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“Look closely and learn well,” Red told her daughter, on returning home.
“Indigo relies too much on his mother, though his power is great.”
“Yellow is poor with words, but stronger than you could ever be.”
“Rose, you must be independent and clever, or you’ll never surpass them.”

“Look closely and learn well,” Blue told her son, on returning home.
“Yellow is rough and unrefined, though his mind is practical and efficient.”
“Rose is ugly and pale, though her manner is gentle and sweet.”
“Indigo, you must be graceful and beautiful, or you’ll never surpass them.”

“Look closely and learn well,” Green told her creation, on returning home.
“Rose is far too gloomy, though she knows and respects the earth.”
“Indigo cares too little for living things, though his actions are courteous.”
“Yellow, you must be kind and dutiful, or you’ll never surpass them.”